T. Sekitani, "The Disappearing Boundary between Organism and Machine," Science, 380(6646), pp. 690-691 May 2023.
ID 1726
分類 学術論文
タグ boundary disappearing machine organism
表題 (title) The Disappearing Boundary between Organism and Machine
表題 (英文) The Disappearing Boundary between Organism and Machine
著者名 (author) Tsuyoshi Sekitani
英文著者名 (author) Luisa Torsi
キー (key) Luisa Torsi
定期刊行物名 (journal) Science
定期刊行物名 (英文)
巻数 (volume) 380
号数 (number) 6646
ページ範囲 (pages) 690-691
刊行月 (month) 5
出版年 (year) 2023
Impact Factor (JCR)
付加情報 (note)
注釈 (annote)
内容梗概 (abstract) just Accepted, 230518
論文電子ファイル 利用できません.
         title = {The disappearing boundary between organism and machine},
        author = {Tsuyoshi Sekitani},
       journal = {Science},
        volume = {380},
        number = {6646},
         pages = {690-691},
         month = {5},
          year = {2023},