T. Sekitani, "Ultra-Thin and Lightweight Organic Amplifier Enabling Bio-Signal Monitoring with Reduced Noise Levels," 2021 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor Devices (AWAD 2021), Aug.26-27, Session B2:Emerging technology I, Virtual, Sendai JAPAN, August 2021.
ID 1521
分類 国際会議(招待講演)
タグ amplifier bio-signal enabling levels lightweight monitoring noise organic reduced ultra-thin
表題 (title) Ultra-Thin and Lightweight Organic Amplifier Enabling Bio-Signal Monitoring with Reduced Noise Levels
表題 (英文)
著者名 (author) Tsuyoshi Sekitani
英文著者名 (author) Tsuyoshi Sekitani
キー (key) Tsuyoshi Sekitani
定期刊行物名 (journal) 2021 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor Devices (AWAD 2021), Aug.26-27, Session B2:Emerging technology I, Virtual, Sendai JAPAN
定期刊行物名 (英文)
巻数 (volume)
号数 (number)
ページ範囲 (pages)
刊行月 (month) 8
出版年 (year) 2021
Impact Factor (JCR)
付加情報 (note)
注釈 (annote)
内容梗概 (abstract) @article{id1459,
title = {Low-Noise Biosignal Monitoring with Ultra Flexible Transistors},
author = {Takafumi Uemura and Tsuyoshi Sekitani},
journal = {The 27th International Display Workshops (IDW 20) , Dec. 9-11, 2020 Virtual Conference Workshop on Flexible Electronics, [FLX1] Wearable Sensors and Devices},
month = {12},
year = {2020},
論文電子ファイル 利用できません.
         title = {Ultra-thin and lightweight organic amplifier enabling bio-signal monitoring with reduced noise levels},
        author = {Tsuyoshi Sekitani},
       journal = {2021 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor Devices (AWAD 2021), Aug.26-27, Session B2:Emerging technology I, Virtual, Sendai JAPAN},
         month = {8},
          year = {2021},